
Who We Are?

Contact Center

Wraxi calls is the team of well-educated, professional and experienced agents that has the full hold over the call center services and more importantly customer services. Arising as the product of a private cab company in the city of Berkshire, UK, Wraxi calls has the mixed flavors of amazing professionalized techniques. Not only with the reservations and dispatching, but also includes various services a call center can provide at its best. From reservations to data entry, and from customer support to non-stop working capability, Wraxi calls is the choice for working under pressure free environment. With the honor of 20 years of experience in this field, we are 24/7 at your services for the better uplift of your business. Wraxi Calls is a global dispatching company focused on reducing operational costs and improving the bottom line of our customer’s satisfaction. Our focused and refined dispatching center operates 24/7/365 within the multi-purpose industry. We focused on the cost effective services so as to maintain the trust and satisfaction relation with our customers all over the world. We believe the company reputation depends upon the customer’s trust and relation with the business, and following this belief, we are moving forward with new visions.



To crave a name of Wraxi calls in the industry and workplace with the proficient and fast responsive services, we are always on a mission.  Starting from the UK and to spread roots worldwide covering more and more countries and to build a name of trust is the key mission of our company director. Experts got you covered with regards to various administrations. Our client connection chiefs are responsive and consistently dedicated to answer each inbound call as fast as possible. With the UK based expertise and quality, we have got the wings to aim the highest levels of trust. We love to take challenges and to achieve is our prime attribute. The industry we are working in has new competitors and challenges day by day, to maintain the position and to provide excellency is the major target and a focus. Challenges are the factor that bring revolutionary changes and we as adapters, learn out of it for our betterment.


A lot of companies are working under one roof and with the passage of time and era, this industry has built competition worldwide. But, each company has its own values and vision. We got some ethics of working capability and for that purpose we got some factors that we believe can make one trust in taking our services for the first time.


With the crew of active and amazingly professional staff, Wraxi calls works on the policy of fast responsiveness. Missing a response means missing an inch of trust and damaging the repute. The key factor to success of our company is fast response.


We hire the experienced and professional staff having expertise of at least 2 years so they have well trained mindset to work in the field. From floor manager to a customer care representative, every single entity working in office must know its best qualities.


The honor of having 20 years of expertise has finally built us to the trademark of quality and professional output. Still learning to grow more roots and now to target the whole world with our best services.


The most important thing to mention is the privacy of the data we gather from all over the world. The data protection quality has won us many clients and their trust.


We consider each of our clients as VIP customers and give them every minute of every day customer care to keep up to their desired work output. Whether it is late evening call or morning get up calls for early morning appointments, we are available to cover.


Quality assurance is the important factor for the uplift of the company. Working with quality and developing quality results can be the winning factor.


We try our best to provide cost efficient services as per the standards. We believe to deliver in affordable costs and to work with efficiency accordingly.


Our agents work in different rotatory shifts and that is how every member of staff works in relaxed environment. With the rotation of shifts, we also have backup staff for filling the empty socket of member in case of emergency.


We train our staff to have knowledge of latest technologies and software. With new software to be introduced, our staff knows to deal and work on it.


Despite work and profession, company arranges the indoor activities for staff so as to keep them mentally active and physically fit, so that they don’t lose interest of job working in daily work routines.


When comes to the training of the staff and their proficiency, company arranges several training sessions and seminars to make their staff familiar with the latest technologies and trends. For the better outcome, every member of staff must have the knowledge of the software and technologies that may vary from company to company. Our experienced and senior staff members give a brief introduction and knowledge of the technology to work in familiar with it. Because there is no room for little unprofessional act in our company and industry. We are not only professional in working, but also keen about learning new technologies that are introduced.


Wraxi calls head office is in United Kingdom and the control room is situated in Pakistan. The major dealing with respect to company is done through head office and then is implemented in control rooms in Pakistan.


Our Expertise

Some Of The
Services We Offer

We own an honor to hold a record of delivering adequate services. Popping up in the industry out of the blue, our customers have taken a sigh of relief, as they don’t ought to face problematic obstacles that occur throughout call center operations any longer.

Some of the unique services we offered are:

Data Entry

We specialize not only in calls, but in data collection, entry, and recording as well.


Invoices are the digital record of the transaction or payment made through.Invoices are kept as records

Customer Services

Customer service representatives has the key to win the hearts of the customers. They

Voice Recording

Our voice recording ability enables us to view voice envelopes of customers and agents separately

Inbound Calls

Inbound calls are the calls system receives and our agents deal with the call and the purpose of it.

24/7 Services

Wraxi calls are open 24 hours of a day, 7 days of a week and 365 days of a year. The agents are are

Reservation and Dispatching

CSRs reserves the taxis as the customer requests by adding up the


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